MGB Reporting Inc., Logo Call: (301) 983-9315
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Providing legal transcription in Washington, DC, and nationwide

About Our Company

MGB Reporting, Inc., a family-run business for over the past 30+ years, has been providing excellence in professional court reporting and transcription services spanning all areas of litigation including, but not limited to domestic relations, personal injury, and medical malpractice. Our stenographers in Washington, DC, Virginia, Maryland, and nationwide strive for excellence by making available accurate and verbatim legal transcription in a timely manner. We work hard to make available to our customers many additional services to assist in accomplishing their goals while working in an expeditious manner, and supplying finished work the same day or next day when requested. We love what we do and work hard to furnish the best services we can to meet our clients' needs, even on a last minute basis if needed. Schedule services with us today.

Contact Marcia Blau or Hedy Blau at (301) 983-9315 for transcription and verbatim court reporting services of your depositions, meetings and conferences.

When you need a dependable stenographer in Washington, DC, turn to us

"A jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer."
- Robert Frost 

Lady Smiling "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do"

— Steve Jobs, Co-Founder
CEO Apple Inc.
Lady with Glasses

National Court Reporters Association

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